Bonds India vs GoldenPi : Most Indians have little experience with the direct purchase of bonds. A greater reliance on fixed deposits and inaccessibility to the bond market are primary reasons. However, with the advent of bond platforms, trading in bonds has become as straightforward as trading in equity. Bond platforms give investors a one-stop solution to trade in bonds. These platforms allow retail investors to choose from bond categories like G-sec to capital gains bonds. The lower minimum investment requirements of these platforms have attracted investors from all wealth segments. As a result, more people today are including bonds in their portfolios due to the services of bond platforms. How to Choose A Platform for Buying Bonds BondsIndia and Goldenpi are two popular platforms for retail investors to buy bonds online. Bonds India is a one-stop-shop for a wide range of fixed-income securities like bonds, G-sec strips, and fixed deposits (banks and corpora...
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