Bonds India vs GoldenPi- Online Bonds Buying Platform


Bonds India vs GoldenPi: Most Indians have little experience with the direct purchase of bonds. A greater reliance on fixed deposits and inaccessibility to the bond market are primary reasons. However, with the advent of bond platforms, trading in bonds has become as straightforward as trading in equity. Bond platforms give investors a one-stop solution to trade in bonds. These platforms allow retail investors to choose from bond categories like G-sec to capital gains bonds. The lower minimum investment requirements of these platforms have attracted investors from all wealth segments. As a result, more people today are including bonds in their portfolios due to the services of bond platforms. 

How to Choose A Platform for Buying Bonds 

BondsIndia and Goldenpi are two popular platforms for retail investors to buy bonds online. Bonds India is a one-stop-shop for a wide range of fixed-income securities like bonds, G-sec strips, and fixed deposits (banks and corporates). 

Variety to Choose From:  

Under the bond category, an investor can choose from corporate bonds, public sector undertaking bonds (PSU), and state-led undertakings (SLU) bonds, among others. We also offer sovereign gold bonds, tax-free bonds, green bonds, zero-coupon bonds and all categories.

Goldenpi, on the other hand, is a platform that only caters to bonds investment which is a subsection of the fixed–income market. 

See also- Difference between BondsIndia and GoldenPi

Ease of Transaction:  

Bond India’s integration with Indian clearing corporation ltd (ICCL) provides real-time online trade settlement. When an investor buys or sells a bond worth above Rs 2 lakhs, the ICCL clears and settles the transaction. However, for transactions below Rs 2 lakhs, the transfer of funds and bonds is conducted directly between Bonds India and the investor. Goldenpi is a marketplace, and all platform transactions go through the clearinghouses, irrespective of the transaction value.  

Quick and Easy Account Opening: 

New investors can join the Bonds India platform and start trading in three simple steps -eKYC, choose from more than ten thousand listed bonds, and purchase. 

Expertise and Advisory: 

  • Bonds India’s platform is not just confined to buying and selling of bonds but is an excellent source of investment advisory and market news.  
  • Newbie investors can educate themselves about the nitty-gritty of bond investment with the ample knowledge resources available on the platform.  
  • The inbuilt filters during bond exploration help investors purchase bonds from Bonds India as per their risk appetite, investment horizon, and other requirements. Investors can filter bonds according to their credit rating, type, minimum investment requirement, coupon rate, and interest payment frequency.  
  • Furthermore, Bonds India’s expert team offers personalized advice on which bonds to buy online to pick as per the investor’s profile and requirements. The real-time price updates ensure transparency and inculcate confidence in investors.  

Fair Pricing: 

Unlike stocks, most bonds are not traded publicly, but rather trade over the counter, which means you must use a broker. Government bonds, however, are an exception now — you can buy those directly from the government without going through a middleman. 

The problem with this system is that, because bond transactions do not  occur in a centralized location, investors have a harder time knowing whether they’re getting a fair price. A broker, for example, might sell a certain bond at a premium (meaning, above its face value). 

Purchasing bonds through various platforms may mean a markup of the seller platform as these companies purchase bonds in certain tranches from the Reserve Bank of India to sell to retail. Thus, platforms like Bonds India have a transparent fair pricing credibility. 

Special Hand-holding for New Investors: 

Investors can visit Bonds India and ask us queries through our help support along with a vast and easy to digest “Bondspedia” section to get themselves acquainted with the bonds lingo and the intricacies they need to take care of. 

Tracking Latest Issues and Other Fixed Income Instruments:  

Bonds India offers a large range of instruments from Fixed deposits with corporates to bonds and NCDs IPOs. You can decide the purchase time and rebalance your portfolio as you track new issues and sale on the website.

Tracking Macroeconomic Data 

While we offer insights, we also educate our investors on essential macroeconomic data such as inflation, treasury yields, GOI bonds yields and call rates. These are critical while understanding how the market value of bonds will move as new bonds come into play.  

Once an investor has decided on which bond to put his funds in, he can make a payment through a secure and hassle-free mechanism. Bondsindia has made the once complex task of investing in bonds a straightforward process and increased its accessibility to all types of investors.


Bonds are considered to be relatively safer instruments with attractive returns. Institutional investors and high network individuals were once the only players in the bond market. With platforms like Bonds India and Goldenpi, even retail investors today can reap significant benefits from bond trading through a 100% digital process.


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